Henry W. Moore School presents “Understanding Bullying and How Parents Can Help”
Join us on Tuesday, March 12th at 6:30pm at the Moore School for a presentation on bullying and cyberbullying among school aged children. Dr. Meghan McCoy will discuss ways parents can assist their children in developing skills to manage what they see and how to help. This event is open to all members of the Candia community.
Meghan K. McCoy, Ed.D. is the Manager of Programs at the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University. Dr. McCoy is also an Adjunct Faculty of Psychology at BSU. Her work focuses on professional development of educators on bullying, cyberbullying, and digital behaviors among children, teens, and college students. Dr. McCoy works with and trains K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students and consults in K-12 education. Dr. McCoy has presented her work and the work of MARC at many state, regional, national, and international conferences and has published work in many peer-reviewed journals.
We hope you will join us on March 12th.
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