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Warrant Article #4 Information

Energy Efficient Investments
The EEI and ENE Energy Advisor
Map of Building
Findings at Moore School
EEI at MSD Energy Expense
Consultant Report
Roofing/Trim Conditions
Trim condition
Roofing Seams
Ventilation Roof Top System
Code Items
EEI Recommendations
ECM Cost for Installed and Energy Saving
How to Accomplish these goals
Pros/Cons of in Budget CIO Approach
Pros and Cons of lease approach
Questions and Answers

The Candia School Board recommends that the Town of Candia support Warrant article #4 to ensure the integrity of the building the town has invested in; and to maintain a safe classroom environment for the students and families of our town and generations to come.

Decades of deferred maintenance at Henry Moore School have led to the need for replacement of vital operating systems (air/roofing/building); that are past or are approaching the end of their useful lifecycles and which present immediate or imminent future liabilities for the town.

While none of the projects are known to present an immediate life/safety risk; a failure of some of the involved systems could cause significant disruption to the school or risks to students/volunteers/staff and families were they to occur unexpectedly.

Entering into an energy efficient investment contract would benefit Candia taxpayers by mitigating annual maintenance budget spikes while providing annual cost reductions through energy efficiencies.

The attached presentation provides details on the current state of the facilities along with the proposed energy efficiency plan. The Candia School Board will be meeting again March 4th should you have questions.


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