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October is National Bullying Awareness and Prevention month

October is National Bullying Awareness and Prevention month.  Throughout this month, Ms. Jarvis will be presenting information regarding bullying and leading classroom discussions at all grade levels.  Our hope is that you will have discussions at home with your children as well so that, by working together, all of our students will hear the consistent message that we take bullying very seriously.  The website,, as well as the app, KnowBullying, contain excellent information to define bullying and help parents with conversation starters, knowing how to support and respond to your child, and some do’s and don’ts.  If your child reports that they are the victim of potential bullying at school, please reach out to Ms. Jarvis, your child’s teacher, and/or our administration, Mrs. Wing and Mr. Banks.  All of us at Moore School want your children to feel comfortable, safe, and welcome at school.  

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