Today is the first day of our extended Spirit Day! Please make your way to the Distance Learning Page to find all of our Spirit Day activities. Make sure to take pictures or videos and send them to me so that we can put together a 2020 Spirit Day video. The deadline for photos is 5pm on Wednesday, so please get your photos to me by then.
As a reminder we will have a reverse parade on Thursday, June 11 from 3:00 – 4:30pm. We have designated an hour and a half so that we don’t have too many cars at once moving through the school grounds. The route for driving through the school grounds will be posted on the distance learning page Wednesday evening.
Friday, June 12th will be the day to return chrome books, textbooks, school and classroom library books to the school. We will be open 7am – 6pm for families to drive up to the school and drop off materials. I will give more details later in the week.
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