I am very pleased to announce that the Henry W. Moore School ranked FIRST in the State of New Hampshire for most words mastered this year in the Vocabulary.com 2019-2020 Vocabulary Bowl! Students in grades 5 though 8 mastered 18,520 words during this year’s Vocabulary Bowl. More information about this Moore School achievement can be found here: Moore School Vocab Bowl Results. Congratulations to all who participated!
I have created a quick parent survey to gather your feedback regarding your experience with distance learning for the past few weeks. We will be using this information to identify areas where we have excelled and those that we may want to modify moving forward. Please feel free to comment on all aspects of your experience including the schedule, technology platforms (Google Classroom, Zoom, etc.), structure of lessons, communication, etc. The survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MooreSchoolDLSurvey and should take only 5-7 minutes to complete. Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.
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