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Take the Pledge to Protect This #SeeSayDay

We all have someone, or something, to protect, and we all play a role in keeping our communities safe. That is the message of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “If You See Something, Say Something®” campaign, a national awareness campaign that encourages the public to recognize and report terrorism-related suspicious activity to local authorities.

September 25 marks “If You See Something, Say Something®” Awareness Day, also known as #SeeSayDay. On this day, DHS and its campaign partners come together to spread the word about suspicious activity reporting.

This #SeeSayDay, the campaign encourages you to make a pledge to protect your community. It starts with taking the following simple steps:

Don’t be a bystander and ignore suspicious activity. Starting this #SeeSayDay, pledge to protect your community.  For more information, visit

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