Our Student Council has been hard a work creating a document that will allow you to view our lost and found items from the comfort of your home. Please take a look at the items here:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ9iLwbXBQvv90HivQsWZmLnrAJ4ElFrwDg_A5R1HdAVEMiRHBrw9d-mSrlYBCVGGbg8H-fTfC2iGTP/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000and if you see something that belongs to your child, email Mrs. Murphy at emurphy@sau15.net with your child’s name and homeroom teacher along with the item #. Student council members will return the item to your child’s homeroom.
You can continue to use this link over and over as it will be updated regularly with newly lost items.
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