Good morning and happy last day of school! It is hard to believe that the end of the school year is here. I hope that you will join us for our end of year celebration today. Moore School staff members will be at the school ready to send students off in style from 3 – 4:30pm. We ask that families drive the parade route that is posted on our distance learning page. A few things to note… please do not pass any items to teachers along the way or attempt high fives or other greetings that would require a close distance; please help us keep the car line moving along so that we do not have a significant impact on road traffic; and lastly, please note that teachers will be standing on the passenger side of the vehicle as you pass by. We do plan on being here if it is raining; however, if there are thunderstorms in the area we may have to cancel or postpone. I will be sure to email you if that is the case.
Thank you all for your participation in our extended virtual Spirit Day! You can find the Spirit Day 2020 video on our distance learning page.
Tomorrow (Friday, June 12th) we will be collecting school owned materials from 7am – 6pm. We are asking that you pull up to the gym doors as you did for material pick up. There will be staff members available to collect items from you. We will also be checking off names for the return of all materials that were sent home, so please be patient with us. You do NOT need to return soft cover workbooks. Generally, the materials that we are expecting to collect are Chrome books, grade 4 & 5 social studies textbooks, grade 7 & 8 Literature textbooks, Imagine It! textbooks for grades 1-5 and grade 8 Algebra books. We know that there are a few students who borrowed Spanish and other middle school textbooks as well. Please make sure to remove all stickers from Chrome books and return the charging cords. If there is a known issue with your Chrome book, it would be helpful if you put a sticky note on it to let Mr. Jamrog know what the problem is.
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for food resources for many families in New Hampshire. The following website includes a food access map that will be updated frequently as information becomes available: When going to the site you will see a tab for summer meals that will include locations where you can obtain free meals for children under the age of 18 throughout the summer.
Last year at this time I asked for your feedback regarding my first year as Moore School Principal. I would like to ask that you complete a similar survey this year: Your feedback will be beneficial in assisting my efforts to continuously improve our ability to provide a quality educational experience for your child(ren).
Lastly, I would like to thank you all for the tremendous amount of support that you have given your children, the teachers and me throughout this school year. I look forward to communicating with you over the summer regarding our reopening plans for the fall once they are solidified. Please know that you can continue to reach out to me if there is anything that you need.
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