Today is “favorite holiday” day! Let’s continue to celebrate our Moore School spirit by wearing something that represents your favorite holiday. The schedule of spirit days can be found on our distance learning website. Please send me pictures of your child participating in spirit days. I will compile the photos into a video to post on our distance learning website.
As a reminder, other activities happening in the home may be heard in the online classroom while your child is in a Zoom meeting. Families should exercise caution with interactions in the background. Loud banging, music or voices may cause a disruption to the students’ online learning. It is important that your child be in an environment free of the distraction of other conversations whenever possible.
Kindergarten learning materials will be available from 9:00am – 4:00pm at the front of the school today. Please remember that if there is another family getting their packet, we ask that you remain in your vehicle until that family is back to their car. If you cannot come to the school today, please let me know and we will make other arrangements for you to pick up your packet.
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